7 Foods to Eat for Sun Protection

Source: Bombshellblueprint

Eat your sunscreen! Not rather sunscreen but foods that are rich in antioxidants, carotenoids, lycopene and are naturally bright coloured. The colour in plants help protect them from sun damage and can do the same for us when we eat them.

Citrus Fruit
Citrus fruit have the potent ingredient limonene. Eating citrus fruit also makes you 34 percent less likely to have skin cancer.

Green Tea
This delicately flavoured tea if full of antioxidants called EGCGs. Among their health-promoting capabilities: EGCGs stop genetic damage in human cells exposed to UB light.

Carrots- or any other red, yellow or orange fruits and vegetables- are packed with carotenoids, and they also reduce sunburn intensity.

Red Peppers
Like carrots, red peppers are helpful in reducing sunburn intensity

Leafy greens, like dark green lettuce, spinach, kale, and Swiss chars, are top sources of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which halted cell growth prompted by UV light.

This fish is a great source of oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oils guarded against sunburn and DNA changes that can lead to cancer.

Like salmon, walnuts are high in essential fatty acids that could guard against sunburn.

Source: Reader's Digest

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